姓名 |
苑旭雯 |
性别 |
女 |
出生年月 |
1992.10 |

籍贯 |
湖北十堰 |
职称 |
讲师 |
学历 |
博士 |
研究方向 |
材料腐蚀与防护、镁合金表面防护 |
社会职务 |
无 |
发表文章 |
1、Xuwen Yuan, Xuan Wang, Huaiyu Yang, Effects of pH and Cl- Content on Degradation Process of Pre-Passivated Stainless Steels in an Alkaline Solution [J],Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022, 169: 031506. (SCI收录) |
2、Xuwen Yuan, Wentao Li, Xuan Wang, et, Mo Effect on Natural Passivation and Corrosion Behavior of Duplex Stainless Steels in Alkaline Media [J],Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167(16): 161509. (SCI收录) |
3、Xuwen Yuan, Xuan Wang, Yang Cao, Huaiyu Yang, Natural passivation behavior and its influence on chloride-induced corrosion resistance of stainless steel in simulated concrete pore solution [J], Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2020, 9(6): 12378-12390. (SCI收录) |
4、苑旭雯, 杨怀玉, 模拟混凝土孔隙液中不锈钢的耐蚀行为, 第二十届全国缓蚀剂学术讨论会论文集, 湖北武汉, 2018-7-24. |
5、王 璇, 苑 旭 雯*, 王 鸽, 杨 怀 玉*, 以聚苯乙烯为壁材的聚硫橡胶微胶囊制备与表征, 高分子学报, 1-10. |
6、Shengbo Hu; Xuwen Yuan; Li Liu; et; Influence of hydrostatic pressure on the corrosion and discharging behavior of AlZn-In-Mg-Ti alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 936: 168197. (SCI收录) |
7、Yang Cao, Xuwen Yuan, Xuan Wang, et, Synthesis and controlled release kinetics of pH-sensitive hollow polyaniline microspheres encapsuled with the corrosion inhibitor [J], Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 342:117497. (SCI) |
8、Yang Cao, Xuwen Yuan, Xuan Wang, et, Improving the self-healing performance of the water-borne epoxy anticorrosion coating in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution using acid and alkaline dual sensitive organic microspheres [J], Progress in Organic Coatings, 2022, 167: 106815. (SCI收录) |
9、王璇, 苑旭雯, 曹扬, 王浩伟, 廖圣智, 杨怀玉,微胶囊化新型聚硫橡胶密封剂的性能试验与评估[J], 装备环境工程,2020, 17(2):72-76. (EI收录) |
科研项目 |
①基于混凝土内部环境引发机制的钢筋表面钝化膜生长及脱钝机理研究, 湖北省自然科学基金, 主持 |
②镁合金防腐复合涂层的制备及耐蚀性研究,博士启动基金,主持 |
③磷化沉渣研究,东风汽车紧固件有限公司,主持 |
获奖成果 |
无 |
联系方式 |
手机:19371920607 |
邮箱:20210015@huat.edu.cn |